Our partners

Ca’ Foscari University of Venice

Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, established in 1868 as a Royal Business College, is a middle-size public academic institution currently focusing on 4 main research activities and teaching areas (Economics, Humanities, Languages and Sciences). Ca’ Foscari works with national and international associations and institutions for cooperation in scientific information, teaching and research. UniVe Materials Characterization Laboratory (LCM), is involved since 2013 in National and European Projects related to the emerging problem of marine litter, particularly focusing on the Adriatic Sea, as within the European IPA-Adriatic Project DefishGear (www.defishgear.net), on marine litter and fishing gear management. LCM researches focus on spectroscopic studies on materials from environmental and cultural heritage samples, mainly on their characterization and alteration processes. Additionally, LCM employs HR imaging methods for documentation and scientific purposes to give a complementary approach to the chemistry determination. The acquired experience allows LCM to deal in detail with environmental behavior of polymer-based litter in terms also of fragmentation, degradation and diffusion.


ISPRA is the Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and Research under the vigilance of the Minister of the Environment, Territory and Sea. ISPRA operates within the Environmental Agencies System, presently composed of 20 Regional and 2 Provincial Agencies. ISPRA’s main areas of intervention encompass: environmental data collection and validation, cooperation with international organizations such as the European Commission, the European Environment Agency (ISPRA is the national focal point of EIONET), EUROSTAT and UN bodies, in particular with UNEP; research and technical guidelines on environmental issues; studies and activities in support to environmental impact assessments. 

ISPRA, contributes actively to the implementation of several EU Directives, such as the Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC) and the Marine Strategy (2008/56/EC), being member of committees and working-groups at national and European level. 

ISPRA has been a partner of IPA Adriatic DeFishGear project (ETC 2007 – 2013), carrying out pilot activities of Fishing-for-Litter, derelict fishing gear monitoring in a Natura2000 site, communication and awareness campaigns with fishermen, scholars and other stakeholders. 

M.A.R.E Cooperative

M.A.R.E. Cooperative was founded in 1995 on the initiative of a group of biologists who shared a strong interest in work activities related to the sea and a close link with fisheries and aquaculture world. This group of biologists detected a job opportunity in the development of this two sectors and in scientific research linked to them.

Today M.A.R.E. is a research center for technology innovation in fishery and aquaculture, and, also, a service center linked to government institutions, cooperative world, public research institutes, European projects and European funding (FEAMP/FLAG). 

Recently M.A.R.E. took part as partner in some important European projects related to the environment and to maritime safety as “Ecosea”, “Safe Fishing” and “EcoFilm_SHELLFISHING”. M.A.R.E. also partecipated in the project “DeFishGear”, in 2016.

The Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries (IOF)

The Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries (IOF) is the scientific public institute and the main platform for carrying national and international scientific projects in the field of fisheries and aquaculture. Scientific activities conducted in the IOF are interdisciplinary including biological, chemical, physical, geological and fishery research. By the decision of the Croatian Government the IOF in 2012 became National Reference Centre for the Sea. With around 130 employees and valuable modern equipment, including two research vessels designed specifically for surveys and data collection for coastal and open-sea waters, the Institute is wholly competitive to provide not only scientific research activities but also to offer a professional, educational, undergraduate, graduate and PhD studies and counselling activities to a private sector (fisherman, fish farmers) and public decision making institutions. The Institute has developed an international collaboration on various grounds. It can be seen through the membership in reputable international associations and through collaboration with numerous European research institutions carrying out the projects financed by EU and other funds. Related on years of experience and relationships with local and national authorities, and particularly fishermen, the Institute is in good position to raise awareness on marine environment, including the issue of marine litter. Institute was one of the partners in IPA DeFishGear Project and through several pilot–actions team established cooperation with relevant stakeholders (local/regional/national authorities, policy makers, communal companies, fishermen associations) involved in management of environment.


RERA SD is regional development agency established by Split-Dalmatia County (regional self-government body) for the purpose of preparation and implementation of projects related to regional development. RERA SD runs activities in different fields such as tourism, fisheries, agriculture, environment and nature protection, vocational education, energy efficiency etc. As interdisciplinary institution RERA SD cooperates closely with universities and research organisations. 

RERA SD is involved in several transnational and cross-border projects and leading mainly the capitalisation and sustainability related project activities. As such RERA SD has broad experience and knowledge on how to disseminate the project results towards policy decision-makers and how to facilitate the process of incorporating the most important project outputs and initiatives into regional and national legislation RERA SD is not performing economic activity on the market. Activities are mainly performed under EU and national programs.

The major thematic competence that we would like to point out for this project is our experience from DFG project where we conducted the work package related to capitalisation and sustainability of project results where we successfully carried out the assessment of state of affairs in all 7 countries and developed recommendation paper for relevant ministries in sector of environment and maritime industries. The results of the project were presented and some practices have been acknowledged in national legislation (such as “fishing for litter” practice).

Association Sunce

Association Sunce was founded in 1998 by the group of Split intellectuals as a response to the growing need for an independent and expert body that will offer solutions to environmental issues and nature protection.

Today Sunce is known, at the national and international level, as one of the leading organizations for the protection of nature and environment in Croatia with committement to increase the standards and improve the environment and nature protection, encourage public involvement and advocate for the creation of a responsible society.

The mission of Sunce is to actively contribute to environmental protection and nature conservation through supporting public participation, education of the public in order to change values and behavior, research in order to create background and guidance for protection measures and more effective actions, and responsible management methods, based on the sustainable development.

Association Sunce is recognized partner to citizens, state institutions and the scientific community in the protection of nature and environment and promotion of sustainable development.

SlowVenice network - Limosa

Limosa is a company of environmental guides that has been operating for over thirty years in sustainable tourism, environmental education, research and land management. In 2014 we became a Travel Agency — Tour Operator. SlowVenice is the brand name under which we offer accompanied tours of Venice and its Lagoon based on the principles of environmental and social sustainability.

Limosa Tour Operator is a leading company within the SlowVenice Network – a network of local tourist enterprises with deep roots in the Venice’s ‘gronda lagunare’ – the marshland where the Lagoon meets the mainland stretching from Chioggia to the Cavallino Coast. Together we would like to offer you all the ingredients that go to make up what we call a “slow” holiday, that is to say, a different kind of holiday where the principles of authenticity and sustainability are blended with local culture and traditions. 

Aaccommodation in facilities designed to cater to every kind of requirement with outstandingly attentive hospitality, all situated in incredibly beautiful locations convenient for touring the area; Authentic gastronomy based on local traditions and products; Everything that you need to get around slowly and calmly: traditional or modern practical boat craft, bicycle hire and technical support for everyone from the very young to the serious sporting cyclist. We also offer special facilities for people with disabilities; Agritourism, farm educational centres, Venice's special fish farming area, Venetian villas... places in which to enjoy a unique experience and true excitement; Team of expert environmental local guides with educational skills, to meet the needs of our younger guests.

REducing and Preventing, an integrated Approach to Marine Litter Management in the Adriatic Sea

This web site has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of RERA SD and can in no way be aken to reflect the views of the European Union

The European Union is made up of 28 Member States who have decided to gradually link together their know-how, resources and destinies. together, during a period of enlargement of 50 years, they have built a zone of stability, democracy and sustainable development whilst maintaining cultural diversity, tolerance and individual freedoms. The European Union is committed to sharing its achievements and its values with countries and peoples beyond its borders.