Workshop on Fishing for Litter in Brussels


Workshop on Fishing for Litter in Brussels

On Wednesday 7 November, Ispra - Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale researchers Tomaso Fortibuoni and Francesca Ronchi joined the workshop on Fishing for Litter that took place at the European Parliament in Brussels (Belgium). 

The workshop, organised by MEP Marco Affronte and Clean Sea LIFE, aimed to address FFL in the Mediterranean Sea, presenting the problems and solutions that arose during activities carried out in several countries, and to consider the proposals of the European Union. 

25 participants from different stakeholder’s groups (EU DG Mare, Marine Protect Areas, Port Authorities, Coast Guard, waste management companies etc.) attended the workshop.
We presented a critical analysis of the FFL activities carried out within DeFishGear and ML-REPAIR.

REducing and Preventing, an integrated Approach to Marine Litter Management in the Adriatic Sea

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