Reducing and Preventing,
    an integrated Approach to Marine Litter
    Management in the Adriatic Sea

About Project


The Adriatic Sea is a semi-closed pool with slow streams, making it vulnerable to pollution. Marine Litter (ML) is defined as any solid, manufactured or processed solid material discharged into the marine and coastal environment. The prevailing part of marine waste consists of plastic materials. Specifically, micro-plastics is an increasing cause for concern for the degradation of the marine and coastal ecosystems, potentially endangering the functionality of the ecosystem itself and reducing the quality of coastal waters for fishing and tourism. Furthermore, cross-border effects are already known in marine litter, with a floating sea layer of waste that travels regardless of the state / administrative boundaries of a country.

News & Events


Project Partners Public Institution RERA S.D., M.A.R.E. Cattolica and the Association for Nature, Environment and Sustainable Development Sun will present several activities implemented under the ML-REPAIR project - "Good Practice from the ML-REPAIR Project: Engaging Stakeholders in Implementation".

REducing and Preventing, an integrated Approach to Marine Litter Management in the Adriatic Sea

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